Over the years, the City of Grand Haven has played a key role in protecting, preserving, and promoting its lighthouse heritage and maritime history. Today, through the Lighthouse Conservancy, the City continues that tradition.
With members from the City of Grand Haven, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, the Tri-Cities Museum, Downtown Development District and area businesses, along with other concerned citizens and visitors, the conservancy works to ensure that the Grand Haven’s historic lighthouses remain lit and preserved for generations to come.
Such stewardship used to be in the hands of the federal government, which owned the structures. That began to change when federally owned lighthouses were made available, at no costs, through the National Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000. When the lighthouses became available in 2009, the City formed the Grand Haven Lighthouse Conservancy and applied for ownership. That ownership was recently granted, along with the ongoing responsibility that accompanies it.
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Finalizing Phase I – Historic Structures Report
South Pier Entrance & Inner Lights
The Grand Haven Lighthouse Conservancy in partnership with the City of Grand Haven has finalized the HSR (Historic Structures Report) as of September 8, 2015. The paid services were provided by Sanders & Czapski Associates, PLLC from Marquette, Michigan.
What is a HSR? A historic structure report provides documentary, graphic, and physical information about a property’s history and existing condition. Broadly recognized as an effective part of preservation planning, a historic structure report also addresses management or owner goals for the use or re-use of the property. It provides a thoughtfully considered argument for selecting the most appropriate approach to treatment, prior to the commencement of work, and outlines a scope of recommended work. The report serves as an important guide for all changes made to a historic property during a project-repair, rehabilitation, or restoration-and can also provide information for maintenance procedures. Finally, it records the findings of research and investigation, as well as the processes of physical work, for future researchers.
View the final HSR report here (136pgs) and the appendices here (138pgs).
An excerpt of the executive summary is below:
The pier, owned and maintained by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the elevated catwalk structure, owned and maintained by the City of Grand Haven, are not included in this report other than a general discussion as they relate to the significance of the lights.The City of Grand Haven increased in importance as a shipping port on Lake Michigan in the
Phase 1
Landmark Overhauls Start Soon
Alex Doty, Grand Haven
Apr 11, 2013
Grand Haven City Council recently approved spending $259,577 to paint the two structures inside and out. The money isn’t from the city’s coffers. It was raised by the Grand Haven Lighthouse Conservancy.
According to the conservancy’s latest figures, more than $400,000 has been raised to help preserve the lighthouses. Campaign efforts included brick sales, fun runs, T-shirt sales and streetlight post banner sales.
The painting project is the first major work since the city took ownership of the lighthouses.
“The lighthouses have been here a long time, and this has to be done sooner or later,” Councilman Mike Fritz said of the project. “People have donated a lot of money and they expect to have stuff done.”
City Council was unanimous in saying it was OK to put up with a summer’s worth of inconvenience in order to ensure that the lighthouses are in good condition for the future.